Getting Started

This page provides a quick start guide for setting up and running Monolake


  • Linux Kernel Support: IO-uring requires a Linux kernel version that includes IO-uring support. Generally, kernel versions 5.1 and above provide the necessary support. Ensure that your target system has an appropriate kernel version installed. Monolake will fall back to epoll on Mac OS.
  • Rust nightly: See the “Rust installation section” below

Quick Start

This chapter will get you started with Monolake using a simple example config

Rust installation

To download and install Rust, and set rustup to nightly, you can follow these instructions:

  1. Download and install Rust by running the following command in your terminal:

    $ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

    This command will download the Rust installation script and initiate the installation process.

  2. Close the terminal and open a new terminal window to ensure the changes take effect.

  3. Set rustup to nightly by running the following command:

    $ rustup default nightly

    This command sets the default Rust toolchain to the nightly version.

  4. Verify the installation and check the Rust version by running:

    $ rustc --version

    This command will display the installed Rust version, which should now be set to nightly.

Setup an HTTP upstream server

  1. Install Nginx: Install Nginx using the package manager of your Linux distribution.

  2. Start Nginx: Start Nginx using the following command:

    sudo service nginx start
  3. Configure Port: Open the Nginx configuration file using a text editor:

    sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

    Inside the file, locate the http block and add or modify the listen directive to use port 9080:

    http {
        server {
            listen 9080;

    Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  4. Restart Nginx: Restart Nginx for the changes to take effect:

    sudo service nginx restart

Build Monolake

  1. Clone the monolake repository git clone

  2. Build the binary:

    $ cargo build --release 
  3. Generate the certificates

    $ sh examples/ 

Run the example

  1. Make sure your endpoints are up and certificates are generated
  2. Start the proxy
$ ./target/release/monolake -c examples/config.toml
  1. Send a request to the socket based listener on server_basic.
 $ curl   -vvv 
  1. Send a request to the server_tls.
 $ curl --resolve --cacert examples/certs/rootCA.crt -vvv 

Detail configuration

Please check Configuration for more details.

Last modified November 13, 2024 : Feat: Monolake graphs and minor fixes (a7335d5)